Image Encryption – Completed!

It has been a while since I posted so here is an update for you guys. I should (hopefully) have some time to post some more blog posts detailing my current projects over the next week or so. My image encryption tool (now known as PGIE – Pretty Good Image Encryption) is finally completed. Anyone …

TNDA – A new tool site for Neopets

Hi everyone! Just a quick update. Firstly happy new year since this is my first post for this year. I’m currently working on a new site that will give Neopets users some interesting new tools to play with. I will post more details about it as I decide what features will be there – but …

New Project – TCE – The Chemistry Explorer

Hi everyone! Here I am, writing about yet another one of my projects. This time I have decided to work on a program relating to a subject that is both close to my heart and one that some people find difficult to understand – chemistry. I am thus building a tool to help people understand …

Image Encryption Tool – Data Format

Hi Everyone! In an earlier post I said I would explain a little about the the format used in my new data encoder and so here it is. The images are stored in PNG, not any other type of format, because PNG supports full alpha transparency. The data is encoded by converting the text into …

Image Encryption Tool – Completed!

I am pleased to announce that the new image encryption tool I was working on is now completed, boasting some new features that I will post about later. I also hope to post about the format, and how the data is stored (though I will keep some of the details hidden to ensure the format …

Working on a New Image Encryption Tool

Hi everyone! Since I now have some more spare time I have been working on a new tool that allows you to securely hide at most 4 pieces of information (each a maximum of 255 characters in length) inside a random pixel image. I am working on ways to use this technique inside real images, …

CSIT and Network Information

Hi guys! Network information is a complex subject at the best of times and simplifying it for the average user is no simple feat. Even harder it seems is actually writing code to get this information programatically! I was quite disappointed to find that there was no simple way to get an IP address via …