Localization using WPF and C#

For anyone who is interested I have posted a tutorial on building a localizable application using C# and WPF here for anyone who is interested. I will hopefully post a copy here in time but for the moment I see no need to duplicate the content. If you have any comments, suggestions or improvements please …

CSIT and Network Information

Hi guys! Network information is a complex subject at the best of times and simplifying it for the average user is no simple feat. Even harder it seems is actually writing code to get this information programatically! I was quite disappointed to find that there was no simple way to get an IP address via …

Firefox, YouTube and WebM – The Experiment

Hi everyone I have just spent a little while playing with the new WebM and HTML5 experimental support in Mozilla Firefox and I mus say. I am quite impressed. The 760p video samples I have seen are truly quite impressive. I would suggest that anyone capable should get their hands on a browser with experimental …

Calling the __cpuid MSVC function via C# a DLL Pinvoke (C++, C#)

Here is the latest piece of code I wish to share with everyone since I run into this myself, I am sure others will be interested also. The C++ Part Firstly you will need to create a new DLL project in Visual Studio. You will also need to add this line into the cpp file …

Apple’s HTML5 Demos – Safari Only. No Other Browsers Welcome?

After reading a very interesting blog post by Rob Sayre from Mozilla I was pretty irritated by Apple’s irresponsibility. HTML5 is a cross-browser standard but Apple are using it as a marketing tool to try and peg their own browser by making it seem like other browsers are not compatible – when in actuality they …

HTML5 Audio Experiments and the Future of the Internet

I have just finished reading the “Experiments with audio” blog post collection by David Humphrey. I must say I am pretty impressed by what has been achieved in such a short time. I am sure that there are many people out there who would be interested in accessing the raw data APIs for HTML5 audio …